AI Readiness

An AI implementation roadmap tailored for your business

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Stay one step ahead by developing your AI implementation roadmap to harness the power of AI, gain a deep understanding of the opportunities and threats your business faces, and embrace the necessary adaptions for thriving in the expanding AI landscape.


Who should use this service

If you are a technology leader in one of the following situations: 

  • You keep hearing about AI, but aren’t sure how it applies to your business
  • You’d like to protect against AI threats from competitors
  • You want to know how AI can apply to your existing product or software
  • You’ve been tasked by your CEO or board to investigate AI or create your AI strategy

Benefits of an AI readiness project

  • Understand how your business can leverage AI
  • Ensure your data is structured and ready to enable AI
  • Short term: Take advantage of the immediate benefits AI can bring to your business and industry (e.g. savings, scalability, superior service, quality improvements)
  • Long term: Get ahead of the game with a plan to leverage AI to build your competitive advantage

How our AI readiness assessment works

Our Head of Strategy and Engineering work closely with you to understand your business needs, and goals as well as assessing your current data to determine its readiness for AI. We also assess your existing capabilities, including your team’s awareness and the readiness of your existing technology and strategy. 

The scope and assessment results in a report outlining a roadmap for your AI journey. You can then choose which projects to proceed with – either implementing internally if you have the capability, or by using our specialists.

Our AI readiness process



Our Head of Strategy runs a workshop with you where we’ll provide an overview of AI and its potential applications for your business. The workshop includes: 
– Understand your business needs, challenges and context
– Uncover blockers & challenge assumptions to 
– Focus on value and measurable metrics


Data assessment

Our Head of Engineering will conduct a thorough assessment of your data to determine its quality and suitability for AI. This includes:
– Data cleaning & organisation
– How to structure your data to ensure it’s ready for AI
– A review of multiple types of data sets (CRM / CMS / Web Server or on-premises databases)


Capability assessment

We work with you to determine your existing capabilities – your team’s AI awareness, the readiness of your existing technology, and your existing strategy, including:
– Helping educate your internal stakeholders & executives for alignment
– Assessing your internal skill sets in product and management
– Reviewing technical capability and AI competency


AI strategy and recommendations

We produce a comprehensive report including a prioritised list (based on anticipated return on investment) of:
AI Projects
– Non-AI Projects
– A pilot project with specific goals to be achieved within three months
You can then decide which projects you’d like to proceed with, and whether to have your internal team, or our team deliver these projects.


Prototype Solution (optional)

We will implement a functional ai prototype which will demonstrate a possible solution to one of the challenges identified in this project.
This may be implemented via a combination of no-code technology and off-the-shelf systems.

Book a free consult with a member of our C-suite



What is AI readiness?

It is the process of preparing your data and processes for use in AI applications, by ensuring your data is clean, accurate, complete and appropriately structured.


Why is AI readiness important?

AI systems rely on the quality and volume of the data they use. Poor data can lead to relaying the wrong information, as well as bias and other issues that undermine the accuracy or trustworthiness of AI.


What kind of data is needed to assess?

We can assess all of your data or specific subsets of your data. We can also assess your internal processes as well as people to determine your whole business’s readiness for AI.


How does AI data readiness as a service help mitigate risk associated with AI implementation?

AI readiness aims to mitigate risks by providing your business with access to high-quality data that is important when building and training AI solutions, to ensure your solution provides the most accurate recommendations, insights and responses.


What are some common challenges when achieving AI readiness?

Limitations can include a lack of data and data quality, lack of talent, and insufficient resources.


How can I get my staff ready for AI?

As part of our AI readiness service, we can assess your people and processes and provide recommendations on next steps. This may include training and development programs to upskill your team, hiring experienced AI experts or partnering with companies to provide insights.
